West Hill Toddler Group
We are a friendly group who meet every Monday morning during term-time between 9.00am and 11.00am in the large upstairs room in West Hill village hall.
Your child/children can take part in open play, supervised craft activities and a sing-along session with a registered member of staff. Healthy snacks and drinks are provided for the children, with tea and coffee served during the morning for the grown-ups.
If you are considering West Hill Pre-School for your child, the toddler group can also be a good way to introduce your child to the venue and the staff who are happy to also show you around the Pre-School setting.
Children are welcome at West Hill Toddler Group from birth to 4 years, accompanied by Mum, Dad, Grandparent or Carer.
To cover the costs of room hire, staff, art supplies and refreshments the requested contribution is £3 for one child plus £2 for each additional child. All families are welcome from West Hill and the surrounding areas - please come along and join in.
We look forward to meeting you!